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Register of Employer Exemptions pursuant to Section 48A of the Industrial Relations Act 1946

The Court shall establish and maintain a register of all exemptions under this section [48A] and shall make the register available for examination by members of the public at such place and during such reasonable times as it thinks fit (section 48A (15) of the Industrial Relations Act 1946).

The Court has not to date made any section 48A decisions to exempt an employer from the obligation to pay the statutory minimum remuneration within the meaning of the1946 Act.

The Court is required to maintain a register of all decisions to exempt and make the register available for examination to members of the public at such place and reasonable times as it thinks fit. Any exemptions will be included on the Register as set out below.

Name of Employer          Class of Employee           Period of Exemption      

None                                          None                                None                       

Minimum Rate of Remuneration to be paid       Date Registered

None                                                                                  None