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Quick Guides

This section of our website, aims to provide access to articles and guides on the Labour Court, to serve not only as an aid to those attending a hearing of the Labour Court but also to simply give information on the running of one of the key bodies in the Industrial Relations and Employment Rights landscape of Ireland. 

These articles and guides were originally published through our Linkedin and will be updated as new pieces are published. 

If you are interested in other information about the Court, about news and happenings, you can follow our Linkedin from this link: HERE


The Voluntary Industrial Relations System



Parallel Industrial Relations and Employment Rights Claims

Enforcement/Implementation of Labour Court Recommendations and Decisions

 Witness Summonses


The Court of Last Resort

Pay Claims

Protocol at Hearings


Scheduling of Appeals

Self Representation at the Labour Court

Language Interpreters


The Court's Industrial Relations Role

The Role of the Court Secretary

Decision Making


'De Novo' Hearing

Representation at Hearings

Witnesses at Hearings